The first thing that your GP will do if you suffer from cellulitis is refer you to a specialist for diagnosis and treatment. There are many different forms of treatment for cellulitis, and depending on the severity of your condition, some may be suitable for you. Your doctor may refer you to see what kind of treatment is suitable for your needs, or he may prescribe a cream that will reduce the pain you may feel.


Mild cases of cellulitis usually respond well to simple treatments that involve applying creams and lotions on the affected area. In fact, early treatment using topical antibiotics can often prevent the infection from getting any worse. Your GP may recommend antibiotics cream for a few days and then recommend an oral antibiotic tablet for the rest of your life.


In more severe cases of cellulite, your doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics. They are very effective at preventing further infection, but this treatment may not always be suitable for people with kidney or liver disease. Your GP can tell you about any other treatments available, but in most cases it is best to avoid taking antibiotics altogether. In extreme cases, when your cellulite is causing severe pain, you may need to go to the hospital for treatment with steroid injections.


If your cellulite is still mild and not causing any other symptoms, you can treat your condition with a cellulite cream. You should carefully follow all of these instructions, but as long as the cellulite does not cause any other symptoms, your treatment will be very effective.


Some treatments work best when used on a daily basis. If you only need to apply the cream once a day and apply it multiple times throughout the day, you may not need to use steroid injections.


If you are in more pain, you may be better off using a cream that is used more regularly. These creams include an antibacterial ointment that is applied directly to the affected areas to reduce inflammation.


Another option is to use a natural cream that will also help relieve pain


This may be suitable for people who have no other treatments or who have been treated with conventional antibiotics or steroids. However, in many cases these options may not work for you.


Cellulitis is rarely serious, and although it can leave you feeling uncomfortable, you should be reassured that this form of skin irritation is relatively easy to treat. If it is left untreated, you may find that it gets worse. In such cases it may become necessary to see your GP again to discuss further treatment options.


The good news is that there are some simple treatments you can do at home that can help you deal with your condition. This may include a gentle scrub to loosen the skin, or even just a few more minutes of sleep each night can help you feel more relaxed and pain-free.


If your cellulitis is becoming more severe and painful, then you may be encouraged to visit your GP again. In these cases you may need to be prescribed a course of antibiotics, or an anti-bacterial cream.


Treatment can also include surgery. It is very rare, but it does happen, and you may find that if you take a course of antibiotics, then your cellulitis may become too bad to treat on your own.


Cellulitis does not need to stay on you. By following the advice of your GP and following your treatment plan, you can get rid of your cellulitis and return to enjoying a healthier body.